About the Studio
AVS is:
Technique, Performance, Community
The AVS Story
Animaté owner and master teacher, Angela Reiswig, offers private lessons for teens and adults. With a focus on performance, Angela develops technique and skills in her students, providing opportunities for students to perform in a variety of settings. With Angela's warm and caring approach, she's created a a special community of singers, musicians, and friends.
Meeting you where you are
You don't have to have prior experience or training to begin voice lessons or classes. Angela and her team want to teach you to find your own unique voice, understand basic music fundamentals, and prepare you for ensemble groups or further voice study if you desire. Her goal is to increase the amount and level of your singing and confidence while fiercely maintaining your joy and love of music.
You Will Learn
The anatomy and physiology of singing
How the breath informs everything!
How posture and body tension affect the singing apparatus
How authentic singing and speaking can fill a performance hall without hurting the voice
How to navigate different "registers" or gears of the voice
Find your special voice type
How to sing so that you are understood!
The different roles that vowels and consonants play in production and expression
The rules of language in singing, diction and syntax
You will also learn so much about yourself - with each lesson there is also lesson for the soul if you wish to take it!